Kingdom Triangle
Date Published: 5/5/2007
Kingdom Triangle is a clarion call; a manifesto of sorts intended to rally friends of Jesus to live flourishing lives in His world for the fame of His matchless name. The themes of this book are deeply integral to my life; they express my deepest passion and hope.
Lost Virtue of Happiness
Date Published: 1/17/2006
In our eight, practical chapters, Klaus and I are fundamentally burdened by two basic issues: (1) how the contemporary concept of happiness has failed to offer a vision and means for a fulfilled, flourishing life for human beings; and (2) how the vision and means of Jesus’ call to come and be his disciple or apprentice is in fact the sort of happiness that we are meant to experience in this life.
Love Your God With All Your Mind
Date Published: 9/14/2012
In four basic parts, I try to show how and why the mind matters to Christianity, how to develop a mature Christian mind, what such a mind looks like, and how we can guarantee a future for the Christian mind in our churches throughout the world.
Date Published: 10/17/2000
A powerful set of essays that directly challenges the core assumptions of philosophical naturalism.
Philosophical Foundations
Date Published: 3/31/2003
My book with Bill Craig is more than just an introduction to philosophy. It is an introductory text from a Christian point of view. Our text is intentionally Christian and therefore aims to offer not merely a soporific review of positions pro and con, but rather an articulation of what we take to be the most plausible stance a Christian can take on various questions.
Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult
Date Published: 03/16/2021 (2nd edition)
We attempted to write a readable book that provides a useful discussion of basic philosophical distinctions relevant for doing theology and for constructing and defending a Christian worldview.
Recalcitrant Imago Dei
Date Published: 5/30/2009
Philosophical naturalism is not worthy of the dignity that is rightly inherent to being a human being; it has failed to deliver knowledge about the very thing that makes us human: a substantial soul.
Scaling The Secular City
Date Published: 2/1/1987
I tried to write an intermediate-level work that is aimed at those who want a serious discussion of apologetics issues without having formal training in philosophy.
Scientism and Secularism
Date Published: 09/30/2018
Learn more about J. P. Moreland’s 2018 book that shows the ideological grip of scientism and secularism on our world.
Smart Faith
Date Published: 9/16/2005
Mark Matlock and I took the themes and thesis of Love Your God With All Your Mind and attempted to translate them for a youth readership.