Thinking Christianly Podcast: Knowledge in an Age of Skepticism
Stan Wallace and I discuss the problem of skepticism.
Thinking Christianly Podcast: Dallas Willard, Husserl, and the Future of Spiritual Formation
Interactive conversation on the life and legacy of Dallas Willard and the importance of his work for the future of spiritual formation leadership and work.
Hard Questions on God, the Bible, and Ethics
Lively Q & A with colleague and friend, William Lane Craig, hosted by Biola’s Sean McDowell.
Discerning Miracles
A helpful overview of some of the more compelling reasons and practice for learning how to discern authentic miracles.
Thinking Christianly Podcast: Edmund Husserl as a Case Study
Important conversation with Stan Wallace on the significance of Edmund Husserl as a case in how to think about the work of doing faithful philosophy.
Thinking Christianly Podcast on Metaphysics
An important conversation with Stan Wallace about fundamental questions in metaphysics.
Why Should We Love God With Our Minds?
This 40 minute talk overviews important issues in a Christian approach to knowledge, truth, and beliefs.
Reflections on Seeing the Miraculous Power of the Kingdom
This presentation offers a big picture framework for thinking about the miraculous power at work in our everyday life, fostering confidence and anticipation for such work.
Spiritual Formation, Virtue Ethics, and Christian Anthropology
The lecture addresses the importance of philosophical accounts of anthropology for addressing issues of spiritual formation.
Is the ‘Old Testament God’ Evil?
This talk discusses controversial Old Testament texts that suggest that God committed ‘divine genocide’.